Pest control in Ibiza and Formentera: flies.
Flies: health risks and economic losses.
Several types of flies affect the quality of life and health of people.
In most species of flies, the mouthparts consist of a sucking proboscis, but some have a biting mouth.
Their metamorphosis is complete. The larvae feed and occupy different habitats from the adults, although depending on the fly species, it will be one stage or both that is considered a pest because of its effect on humans and their environment.
Although this may vary from species to species, flies generally lay eggs in a substrate of decaying organic matter, where the eggs will hatch. The larvae develop by burying themselves in this substrate, developing into pupae after a week or so. After several days, the adults emerge and may be fertile within a few hours. The fly infestation, as you can see, consolidates and multiplies very quickly.
Apart from being a constant nuisance when present, because of their filthy habits, flies are a serious public health problem in Ibiza, Formentera and anywhere in the world in general. Flies are important vectors of diseases that they transmit through their mouthparts, faeces or other parts of their bodies. This aspect of the fly plague is detailed below.
Flies and economic losses
As with other pests, such as mosquitoes or flies, flies do not generate economic losses in the form of damage to infrastructure, machinery, household appliances, etc., but they do through damage to image, and through the loss of foodstuffs spoiled by their larvae, or by the simple fact of having been in contact with them, given the risk of biological contamination associated with their presence in the food industry.
Flies and health risks
Flies are an important vector of pathogenic organisms. Either through their mouthparts, legs, regurgitated food, etc. they are able to contaminate food, or directly inoculate us with the pathogen in question.
Flies are associated with the organisms responsible for salmonellosis, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, cholera, bacillary dysentery, infantile diarrhoea, pinworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworm, tapeworm, plague, etc.
Flies belong to the order Diptera, as do mosquitoes, and as with mosquitoes, having a good pest control plan should be a priority for anyone who has this pest in their usual environment.
Fly Identification and Control.
Identification of the moccas pest:
-Food products infested with larvae and eggs.
-Cases of myiasis (fly larvae in fresh wounds, both in pets and humans).
Fly control by Integrated Pest Management (IPM):
-Prior inspection.
-Control of organisational measures.
-Control of structural measures.
-Installation of traps.
-Application of biocides.
For a more detailed description of our work methodology, see the description of our Integrated Pest Control (IPC).
At Nova Control, we carry out the Preliminary Inspection at no cost or obligation.
Pest flies in Ibiza and Formentera: main species.
Pest flies in Ibiza and Formentera: main species.
There are different and varied types of pest flies that affect people, farm animals or pets in Ibiza and Formentera. Depending on whether the problem is in our homes or in our business, the type of business or the type of home, we will be affected by one or several different types of flies.
Broadly speaking, these are the most relevant species that we will usually find in the Pitïusas:
House fly (Musca domestica) and similar species: The common house fly is a pest worldwide. It is a nuisance pest, but above all, we should be concerned about its role as a vector of disease. It is associated with more than 100 different pathogens, including typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery and tuberculosis.
Each adult female begins laying eggs within a few days of completing development. Clutches can vary from 75 to 100 small white eggs, which are laid on a moist, organic substrate. The eggs hatch after 12-24 hours, and after 6 days, the larvae form the pupa that will lead to the adult stage. The pupa matures in about 4 days, less if environmental conditions are favourable.
Small House and Latrine Flies (Fannia spp): These flies generally appear earlier than house flies, in the spring. They are smaller in size and more slender in appearance.
When subspecies are present in homes, they can be distinguished not only by size, but also by their more even distribution throughout the house, not just where fresh food is visible.
Broadly speaking, they share a similar life cycle. They lay their eggs in animal droppings, decaying vegetation, septic tanks, etc. The substrate may vary depending on the subspecies.
Larvae hatch in about 24 hours, with a flattened, spiny appearance. The pupa takes approximately 7 days to mature, depending on environmental conditions. The complete life cycle from hatching to sexual maturity usually takes 15 to 30 days.
Fruit or vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster): is a small fly, 3 to 4 mm in size. As the name suggests, they are attracted mainly to fresh fruit and yeast fermentation. Although they lose interest in these as spoilage and fungi or bacteria begin to appear.
They live for 6 to 8 days. Females may lay up to 500 eggs, usually near fermenting food. Fruit fly eggs hatch within 24-30 hours. The larvae need 5-6 days to complete their development in a more or less liquid medium. Pupae form on a dry surface.
Within a maximum of 48 hours, an adult is able to start a new cycle.
Flesh flies (Sarcophaga carnaria) are large, greyish flies and can be up to three times the size of house flies.
Female flesh flies usually retain their eggs in the uterus, depositing the larvae directly on the substrate. This will preferably be decaying meat or wounds on live animals and pets, causing an infestation of larvae in individuals called myiasis.
The larvae enter wounds and infest the skin and mucous membranes, feeding on the wound itself and its surrounding tissues.
Metallic flies (Calphoridae): Green flies (Lucilia spp) and blue flies (Calliphora spp): These flies also have a preference for meat. Their mouthparts and feeding habits are similar to those of the house fly, and they share broadly the same type of pathogenic organisms.
They are large, blue or metallic green flies that lay their eggs in meat, dead animals or on decaying plant matter in the absence of these.
The larvae of metallic flies develop on the substrate on which the eggs were laid, and only leave it to develop into pupae, which form hidden in the soil. The maturation process of the larvae usually lasts, depending on the species, between 7 and 12 days.
Poorly managed rubbish, the presence of raw meat scraps or dead animals are usually the most common sources of this pest species in our environment.
Stomoxys calcitrans (Stomoxys calcitrans): are haematophagous, blood-feeding dipterans of both sexes. Not to be confused with the Simulidae (family simuliidae) or black flies, where apart from differences in size, colour and shape, it is only the females that need to feed on blood.
Stable flies are very common in environments where horses and other farm animals are kept. The larvae develop in manure, and although the adults have a preference for animals, they can also bite humans. They can transmit trypanosomiasis to both animals and humans.
Nova Control has the professionals, resources and experience necessary to guarantee the correct control of pests and microorganisms both in Ibiza and Formentera, always seeking to cover the service in a discreet and professional manner.
At Nova Control, we always try to adapt to the needs and requirements of our clients, whether they are public, private or private entities.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: