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Hemiptera: bedbugs

Pest control in Ibiza and Formentera: bed bugs.

Bedbugs: health risks and economic losses.


Bedbugs are insects with incomplete metamorphosis (they do not make a chrysalis), and with very varied morphological characteristics and habits. But broadly speaking, it can be said that all bedbugs have in common a biting mouthparts that they use to suck up liquids, whether of plant or animal origin.

It is the bedbugs that suck animal fluids, specifically human blood, that will cause us the most prejudice: they feed on our blood through bites in our skin.


Bedbugs and economic losses.

As with other insect pests that parasitise humans and feed on our blood or use it to complete their biological cycle, their presence in establishments and premises will be accompanied by a loss of reputation and with it a loss of customers.

Undoubtedly, one of the things hotel management will never want to see in their rooms is an infestation of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius), accompanied by a barrage of reviews on the internet reporting this to other potential customers.

Bedbugs and health risks.

From a health point of view, both the welts and wounds caused by their bites and their role as potential vectors are noteworthy. Depending on the species, laboratory tests have shown that they can be infected with diseases such as anthrax, plague, tularaemia, yellow fever, relapsing fever and typhus. Under the right circumstances, they can also transmit Chagas disease and hepatitis B.

In addition, the allergic reactions that their presence can cause in some people should also be taken into account.

On the other hand, there are also species of bedbugs that affect pets.

Identification and control of bedbugs.

Identification of bedbug infestation:


-Traces of faeces, blood and moulting on beds, bedsteads, walls, sockets, etc.


Control of bedbugs by Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

-Prior inspection.

-Control of organisational measures.

-Control of structural measures.

-Thermal treatment.

-Application of biocides.

For a more detailed description of our work methodology, please consult the description of our Integrated Pest Control (IPC).


Bedbugs pest in Ibiza and Formentera: main species.

As pests that affect people, we are going to find 2 families of bedbugs: the cimids and the triatomines. We will describe the characteristics of the most representative ones.

For further information or any other enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact Nova Control.


Cimids, Common bedbug (Cimex lectularius): The bedbug (Cimex lectularius) is an insect about 3-7 mm long. They are flightless, but are good climbers.

The bedbug does not live on the people it feeds on; it comes to us when we are sleeping and only to feed. They usually take refuge in a gregarious way, close to their food source, for example: in mattresses, headboards, walls and joints or crevices next to the bed.

A bedbug infestation, apart from the bites, is usually accompanied by faecal stains and small traces of blood on sheets, walls, etc.

The bedbug has a mouthparts designed to bite, in the shape of a beak and with glands that secrete anticoagulant substances. Normally, when they bite us, we will not notice, but throughout the day, the wounds and tears they have caused in the skin to suck the blood, will cause a sensation of irritation and redness that can lead to infections.

Each female bedbug can lay up to 5 eggs a day, and can lay between 200 and 500 eggs over the course of a year, and can live for more than 2 years. The eggs take 10 days to hatch, and from the moment the nymphs hatch, they will feed on blood.


Cimex lectularius or bedbugs infest a wooden bed frame in city centre apartment building while being revealed by a pest control professional prior to treatment with pesticides.

fumigation company bedbugs ibiza formentera kill bedbugs bite bedbugs

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Triatomines: technically, it is not a pest that we are going to find in Ibiza and Formentera, nor in the rest of the Balearic Islands. Most of the species originate from America, however, the movement of people and the climatic conditions of our country mean that it is not out of the question that they could end up being a common pest species in the future. Triatomines are the main vectors of Chagas disease. There are around 100,000 diagnosed cases of this disease in Spain.

Like the bedbug (Cimex lectularius), they feed on blood while their host sleeps, and take refuge around their food source in a gregarious manner.


Adult Bloodsucking Conenose of the genus Rhodnius


Nova Control has the professionals, resources and experience necessary to guarantee the correct control of pests and microorganisms both in Ibiza and Formentera, always seeking to cover the service in a discreet and professional manner.

At Nova Control, we always try to adapt to the needs and requirements of our clients, whether they are public, private or private entities.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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If you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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+34 604 04 82 98

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Calle Galicia nº36 bajo
07800 Ibiza (Islas Baleares)

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