Pest control in Ibiza and Formentera: rodents
Rodents: health risks and economic losses.
Rodents are mammals belonging to the order Rodentia, which comprises some 2,280 different species, accounting for around 40% of all existing mammal species. This gives us an idea of their great capacity for adaptation. At the same time, it is also clear how varied their habitats are, since only a few species are classified as pests for humans.
Rodents and economic losses
Among the damage caused by the presence of rats or mice due to deficient or non-existent rat or mouse control are the damage and economic losses they cause by gnawing on food industry products, as well as the damage they cause to building structures: doors, ceilings, walls, wiring of any kind and pipes (which can cause power cuts, telephone cuts, flooding...).
It goes without saying that the damage to the image caused by the presence of rodents is accompanied by economic losses: few people will feel like going to dinner in a restaurant in Ibiza, Formentera or any other place in general, if they have seen a video of a rat wandering among the diners.
Rodents and health
Historically, rodents have been a major source of disease for people and pets. Today, rodents are associated with the transmission of more than 50 different diseases, although this has changed thanks to progress in rodent control strategies and programmes. However, due to their habits, they are still a major source of disease and a constant risk that should not be overlooked.
Rodents move and live in unhealthy places, such as sewers, rubbish, waste disposal areas, etc., which makes them potentially responsible for epidemiological outbreaks.
Among the diseases associated with their presence, which are currently most taken into consideration, we find allergies (which can be produced by a protein present in the urine of the house mouse that it spreads while it moves around looking for food); Hantavirus, diseases transmitted by fleas and mites that parasitise rodents (plague, murine typhus), diseases associated with food either by contaminating them or because they directly carry the disease (salmonella, campylobacter, Weil's disease...), etc.
Rodent identification and control.
Identification of rodent pest:
-Faecal remains.
-Food and structures with gnaw marks.
Rodent control by Integrated Pest Management (IPM):
-Preliminary inspection
-Control of organisational measures.
-Control of structural measures.
-Installation of baiting stations (biocide).
-Installation of mechanical traps (biocide-free).
-Installation of placebo (monitoring of population status).
For a more detailed description of our work methodology, please consult the description of our Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Rodent pests in Ibiza and Formentera: main species.
Rodent pests in Ibiza and Formentera: main species.
There are mainly 3 pest rodent species present in Ibiza and Formentera.
Sewer rat or Norway rat (Rattus norvergicus): This is the largest of the 3 main species, weighing up to 500g and with a total length of up to 50 cm, including the tail. They tend to inhabit sewers (they are excellent swimmers and divers), and are present in all European cities.
They usually burrow underground, making galleries up to 60 cm deep. However, it is also not impossible to find sewer rats on raised floors of buildings and communities, which they access through sewage pipes and the different internal connections that buildings have. This can be exacerbated in housing estates or communities with abandoned urban plots, which are ideal places for sewer rats to establish colonies. Landscaped areas with rocky nooks and crannies and hedges are also very favourable places for them to establish colonies, if there is no proper control of rats and mice by the relevant authority.
In optimal conditions, they can reproduce all year round, but it is normal for them to reproduce more intensely in spring and autumn. Gestation lasts 22 days, and litters range from 8 to 12 offspring.
A sewer rat reaches sexual maturity at 12 weeks (ranging from 2-5 months).
Black or roof rat (Rattus rattus): smaller in size than the sewer rat (Rattus norvergicus), it weighs between 150 and 250 grams, i.e. it is a rodent of considerable size (between 35 and 45cm from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail).
As its name suggests, it has a preference for heights: it is an excellent climber, although if it has to swim, it can also do so without any problem. It prefers to nest in walls, attics, creepers, trees, palm trees... although sometimes it can also nest in burrows.
Closed and disused buildings, areas with poorly maintained vegetation, well-kept gardens but with dense bushes, etc. tend to be constant reservoirs of the black rat, which will cause it to end up making its presence felt in our homes and workplaces. Given their preference for areas with vegetation cover, they are often a serious problem in urban areas with a rich combination of vegetation and paved areas.
In their movements, they commonly use fences, tree branches, overhead utility lines, etc. It is not uncommon to see the black rat moving along these routes during the night and the last light of dusk.
It is less prolific than the sewer rat, with 4 to 8 young per litter, but with the same gestation time, development (2-3 months) and life expectancy (around one year).
House mouse (Mus musculus): After humans, it is believed to be the most numerous mammal on the planet. Its origin is established in the grasslands of Central Asia, probably in what is now Turkmenistan. As with other pest rodents, it spread from its natural habitat to the rest of the world via human trade routes. Thanks to its small size and food requirements, the house mouse is able to breed in virtually any human habitat with optimal environmental conditions.
The house mouse has a great capacity for adaptation, but in general, it will look for dry places, preferably with heat sources nearby, or, failing that, places with a stable temperature that is optimal for them. They can nest both indoors and outdoors, always trying to nest close to their food sources.
Indoors, mice tend to build their nests in small holes, walls, cupboards, inside large electrical appliances (refrigerators, ovens, dryers...), storage boxes, cupboards... Outdoors, they tend to nest in places where waste accumulates, as well as on the ground near their food sources.
They are most active at dusk and dawn, being able to move in "3 dimensions" thanks to their ability to climb walls, service roads, false ceilings... and although they drink water if they have it, they are perfectly capable of surviving without it, as long as they have hydrated food available to replace it.
Their mating age is the earliest of the 3 main pest rodent species, ranging from 1.5 to 2 weeks, with a gestation period of 19 days and litters ranging from 4 to 7 offspring.
Nova Control has the professionals, resources and experience necessary to guarantee the correct control of pests and microorganisms both in Ibiza and Formentera, always seeking to cover the service in a discreet and professional manner.
At Nova Control, we always try to adapt to the needs and requirements of our clients, whether they are public, private or private entities.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: